Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tracks of My Tears

Last week while watching American Idol, Adam asked Smokey Robinson the history behind the song Tracks of My Tears. Robinson’s reply remarkably was “he wondered if someone cried so much if you could see the tracks of their tears”, he illustrated by moving his fingers from Adam’s eyes down his cheek. That really clutched at my heart as I recalled past times of my own anguish, tears pouring out leaving tracks, or footprints as if scarring my soul.

I expect we have all at sometime experienced that deep mental anguish of circumstances seemingly overwhelming at the time.

When I cry it’s not easily hidden. My nose and eyes swell up and turn so red makeup won’t even cover the redness. It’s not a pretty sight. Those gut-wrenching times I felt as though the hurt would never go away. My insides literally ached, leaving me in a state of desolation, falling asleep from weariness, waking up surprised that somehow things weren’t as awful as the night before. Tears have a way of cleansing.

David said in Psalm 6:6: I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.

My own tears have been the greatest over my own sins after I came to realize the impact of my deliberate actions and rebellion against God. Some carried out in ignorance, some carried out intentional.

Today my tears are for a dear friend Karla, who will soon be saying goodbye to her mother, now in palliative care surrounded by her children and family. Her mother has been blessed to live to her eighties, yet that doesn’t diminish the sadness of losing someone you love. Adding to her sorrow she lost her husband to cancer only two months earlier. Karla, I love you, we all love you and we are lifting you up in prayer….and….Happy Birthday!!!

I came across this poem almost thirty years ago. I can’t credit the author as I don’t know who wrote it. It’s so beautiful and I share it with you Karla, and your family.

Mother Dear

My life became because of you
You always encouraged and inspired
You shaped our thoughts and molded us
And never seemed to tire
Our hearts are filled with memories
Of all your tender ways,
Mother, Mother, Mother…Dear
I’ll miss you every day.

If only I could hold you
Just once more before you go
If only I could tell you
Just once more: “I love you so”.
My words would be of love from me
And how I’ll miss your smile,
And how you meant the most to me
Of all I’ve come to know,
Mother, Mother, Mother…Dear
Pray with me if you hear.

Our lives are full because of you
We cherish and adore.
The happy times we shared with you
We want for many more.
You gave yourself to all of us
Your loving touch and care,
Mother, Mother, Mother…Dear
God Bless and Keep you there.

Our Mother is in heaven now
And peace she surely knows,
Her time down here was Oh so dear
Her treasures Oh so clear.
Her courage left a trail behind
For all of us to see,
Mother, Mother, Mother…Dear
God Bless you and Keep you
Until we meet again.

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